Aircraft has a 2d panel only original gauges will not work in FSX I have included the Original panel if you want to create a VC panel be sure to upload to SurClaro and drop me a E mail I would like to have a VC .. Just too busy to build one

Also package has extra files for a aircraft with no nose art and one with no name so you can name your own aircraft

" Mig Mad Marine " Support Mercy Flight near you

There is no VC the 2004 gauges do not work in FSX the original panel is included if you would like to rebuild the original aircraft has a default lear 45 panel

Download Copyright Notice
NOTICE: Although the file you are about to install is FREE, it contains copyrighted material. In some cases the developer have multiple restrictions on the use of these files and we ask that you read them carefully. These copyrights belong to the respective developers and must be followed under copyright law. Some files are distributed as shareware which means they are to be used without payment or purchase. Please be sure you do not violate these restrictions.

To install this aircraft:

As always back up any original files.

1.Unzip downloaded folders to your desktop or temporary directory of your choice.

2.Copy the " " Mig Mad Marine " folder and paste it in the main aircraft folder.

By default the main aircraft folder is located at:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FSx\SIM Objects /Aircraft .

3. Be sure to completely unzip all files the aircraft file when complete will Cotain 6 files the Following 6 files goes in the aircraft folder CFG Airfile Model Sound Panel Textures

4.Gauges file goes in the FSX gauges folder Be sure to unzip

Made Simpler

Make sure all files are unzipped the New Plane folder should contain 6 files unzipped they are CFG Airfile Sound Model Texture Panel the New Plane folder with the 6 files goes in the game aircraft folder found at
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes follow the path ie open the c drive then open program files then open Microsoft Games then open Microsoft Flight Simulator X then open
SimObjects then open Airplanes folder the New Plane goes in that folder

Mark Rooks
Textures and FSX updates created by Mark "Fire Ball" Rooks.
load the Guages and the panel

Legal Notice

Any questions e-mail me, , use subject "Fire Ball" and I'll be sure to respond.

Enjoy your new repaint
Thanks for downloading,

Be sure to drop a note to the Original creator and thank Him for his hard work

Kirk Olsson

"Fire Ball"